About Us
What We Stand For
Everybody talks about the need to develop underprivileged South African youth and give them a chance to compete in the world, but very few actually put shoulder to the wheel and find ways to make this happen. Of those that do, even fewer go beyond seeing young people as statistics, and become intentional about finding them employment, or at least provide them with the necessary skills to get them work-ready. This is why Skills Empire (SE), a 100% African woman-owned and managed company, was born. It’s a business that goes beyond what is mandatory in the area of skills development, learnerships and training services and focuses more on real outcomes for the learners and clients they work with. Skills Empire puts a concerted effort in the holistic develop.
Founded in 2019 by Zimkitha Gebeda, Skills Empire has equipped hundreds of young people through its learnership and internship programmes, who are now either employed or have gained the necessary skills to find employment. Skills Empire also puts a strong focus on entrepreneurial development, teaching entrepreneurship to young people who wish to start their own ventures and coaching them with their know-how in this field. With the official unemployment figures sky-rocketing in SA, there’s never been a greater need for this kind of intervention Skills Empire puts a concerted effort into the holistic development of the youth, over and above just equipping them with technical skills.
The Team

Zimkhita Gebeda
Founder & Managing Director

Nobubele Ntiyantiya
Head of Human Resources

Nonhlanhla Tsomondo
Head of Marketing & Operations

Anitah Mathabhathe
Internal Training Manager

Refiloe Mazomba
R&D and Facilities Manager

Fran Mutale
Digital Marketing and IT Manager

Mavatha Gebeda
Learnerships Manager

Fikile Nhlabathi
Site Administrator
Media Appearances